10 Steps to Improve Your GRE Exam Score

Follow the steps listed below for preparing for GRE Exam. I’m sure it will increase your score.

Step 1 – GRE Practice

There are lots of free online GRE Exam practice Tests available. Take one of the test without any distractions and check your score in GRE Exam Verbal and Quantitative sections. Make note of the date you took the exam and scores in each section.

Step 2 – Identify Weakness

For the questions you have answered wrong, make sure you find out why you selected the wrong answer and find how to solve. If you happen to learn a new formula or words, make a note of it. Use a separate notebook, one for Verbal and one for Maths. By making note of your mistakes, you are improving your weakness. This is better starting point to improve your final GRE Exam score.

Step 3 – Improve your Skills

Spend atleast 1 hour per day for GRE Vocabulary from Barron’s GRE Exam book. It has 50 Word Lists. Try to remember atleast 1 word list per week. So, every week you can read 50 to 100 new words.

Same time revise the notes you have from Step 2.

Step 4 – More GRE Notes

Week 1 read the first word list, Week 2 revise the first word list and then start learning the second Word List. So, that you will not forget the words. If you are weak in Quantitative, practice lots of maths questions. Keep taking notes for each new word or math formula you come across.

Step 5 – Flash Cards

Best way to remember new words is to form a sentence for each word. (Other technique – Use GRE Verbal Flash Cards, carry all the words that you are finding difficult to remember. If you happen to revise/look at a word for more than 5 times, it will be easy to remember ).

Use same flash card technique to remember some formulas, you can’t keep track of.

Step 6 – GRE Practice Test

Next, take an GRE Practice Test again and see how much you score, and for mistakes you make, again evaluate what went wrong. In this way, you will learn new maths formulas and at same time your score will increase month by month.

You will definitely see a score improvement from GRE exam practice test in Step 1.

Step 7 – Keep Improvising

No need to worry that you are scoring less in GRE test now, every student initially has the same problem. Spending atleast 1-2 hours per day for first 3 months from now will get you going. In 4-5 months time you will see huge difference in the score.

There is difference between hard work and smart work. Smart work includes hard work and right study plan and keeping track of your skill level. While taking practice test, if you know you are going to get this question incorrect, make a note of it. After the practice test, make sure you solve similar problems atleast 30 times.

Step 8 – Daily Practice

So, the key to improve your GRE Scores and your GRE test strategies is to practice daily and if you select a wrong answer in your practice test, make sure you find the right answer.

Don’t jump around to many GRE books. Take one book, complete practicing all the problems there, then move to next book. If you are studying for 1 hour, make sure you use 100% of your time.

Step 9 – Motivation

Majority of the students make the mistake of not finding out the right answers for the questions they go it wrong in GRE Practice test. This is the most proven way to improve your scores in GRE. In your GRE exams (practice) and lets say you score 1000 and 2 months later in your GRE Practice test if you score around 1000 again, then I can say, 2 months of time spent studying GRE is of no use, unless the score improves.

Key to improve your score is to stay motivated. You need to have an urge to improve your scores. If you don’t commit yourself 100% during preparation, you are wasting your time. GRE Exam is CAT format, with same skill level, how many time you take, your score will remain the same.

Step 10 – Bingo High GRE Exam Score

If your score doesn’t improve, try following different approach for preparation. But, after spending lot of time and if you don’t see your scores improve, there is something worng with your approach. Check if you are actually preparing for GRE Exam, not different exam


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