TOEFL Score Pattern

The score you receive on the TOEFL exam is not the percentage of correct answers. Your score is converted to take into account the fact that some tests are more difficult than others. The converted scores correct these differences. Therefore, the converted score is a more accurate reflection of your ability than the correct answer score is.

For general idea of your total score, use the table below to convert your Practice Test scores into a TOEFL score.

Note: This may not be the exact score you will receive on the TOEFL.

Converted Scores

Correct answer scores Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
48-50 66-68 65-67
45-47 62-65 60-64
42-44 59-61 57-59
39-41 57-58 65-68 55-56
36-38 55-56 61-64 53-54
33-35 53-54 57-60 50-52
30-32 51-52 54-56 48-49
27-29 49-50 51-53 46-47
24-26 47-48 48-50 44-45
21-23 45-46 45-47 41-43
18-20 43-44 42-44 38-40
15-17 41-42 39-41 35-37
12-14 36-40 36-38 31-34
9-11 32-35 30-35 29-30
6-8 30-31 26-29 26-28
3-5 27-29 22-25 24-25
0-2 24-26 20-21 21-23

Scoring of Essay
In TOEFL we do not get immediate results/score we get a range like 203 to 260.Generally you get a range of about 50 to 60 points. If that is the case and if your essay is fair (of the type(4/6) then you would score about 44 points out of about 57.if your range is 57.Don't calculate your writing score as 4/6*57.In fact you get more than that.


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